Oliver Anthony will play very few live shows over the next two months, but that doesn't mean he's not working. The "Rich Men North of Richmond" singer just shared the first details of his debut album.

  • Earlier this week, Anthony scored two Billboard Music Awards nominations in the Top Selling Song and Top Song Sales Artist category.
  • His wife Tiffany welcomed a baby boy on Oct. 18.
  • Anthony's song "Rich Men North of Richmond" went viral in August and debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

On Instagram, Anthony shared a photo of some trees and told fans he'd been spending time in the woods writing lately.

"Will be recording my first official album in January," he shares. "Going to be recording outdoors, much like the RadioWV session videos ... but with a few other instruments added."

A key difference between those sessions and sessions in January will be the weather, but that isn't tempering fan enthusiasm for the project.

"Your album will be the first one I purchase in over 20 years," says one.

"I'm a big fan of the WV sessions so I'm really looking forward to this album. Thanks for staying true to yourself," adds another.

attachment-Oliver Anthony Bible
Jason Kempin, Getty Images

RadioWV refers to the YouTube channel Anthony housed his initial video on. They've published several outdoor videos since.

Related: 16 Oliver Anthony Songs That Prove "Rich Men ..." Is No Fluke

The Farmville, Va., resident had shared more than a dozen songs on different platforms prior to releasing "Rich Men North of Richmond." Since then, he's re-released several in an attempt to offer more professional recordings.

Despite his success, he's played relatively few concerts and spurned outside attempts to truly monetize his success.

The Best Oliver Anthony Songs — His Entire Catalog, Ranked

A chronological listen of Oliver Anthony's songs shows a longterm effort to massage the themes present in "Rich Men of North Richmond." Fans will also find he's capable of so much more than being a blue collar folk hero.

The best Oliver Anthony songs are dynamic and complete. They also hold true to the buoyant optimism he speaks of during candid conversations on his YouTube page. Hope isn't always present, however — tracks released in late summer 2022 find the Virginia-raised singer on a dark path, singing of heartbreak and suicide. You can hear and see (if there's video) the strains of life across his face.

Taste of Country ranked all 16 songs Anthony has released so far. Most are cell phone recordings, but we didn't hold a lack of production quality against him. Instead, each song is rated based on strength of message, originality and overall appeal. "Rich Men ..." ranks third, which is not a criticism of his debut hit as much as it is praise of two other mostly unheard-of songs.