Darius Rucker has never been big on the social networking phenomenon, Twitter. "I don't tweet," Darius told The Boot last year. "Nobody wants to know that I'm putting on my golf shoes right now!"

Of course, Darius has a Twitter page (@dariusrucker), but he never writes his own posts. Well, that all changed Thursday night (February 24) after Darius won his first poker game against Brad Paisley and the 'Anything Like Me' singer's band and crew after taking the stage in Orlando, Fla. on the H2O Frozen Over tour.

"Hang on to your hats, @dariusrucker actually won @ poker 2night for the 1st time. As a result he'll actually be tweeting himself! Let's watch," Brad tweeted after being defeated by his friend at his own game.

Brad and Darius have always had a running agreement: the first time Darius wins a poker game, he would have to tweet. That was never an issue for Darius, who didn't seem to have much luck in the late night hours while playing the game.

"One of my absolute favorite parts of things that have happened [on the Brad tour] is we play cards after the show a lot," Darius tells The Boot. "Brad's a good guy, and I'm happy to be on the tour with him. We have a ton of fun, but I never win. I always lose."

"[Last year], I was sitting right next to Brad, and we got our chips," Darius continues as he thinks back on one of his favorite poker game memories. "I look over at him, and he's taking a picture of me. He's always on Twitter or something ... So we were playing cards for a little while, and I'm just getting crushed. There was one part where the river was like two nines and two fives. Of course, I had the fives and he had the nines. [laughs] I'm betting like I'm going to win. Then he talks half of my pot.

"Later on, he's Twittering away, and he looks over and takes another picture. I looked over at him and said, 'Dude, what are you doing?' He shows me, and on his Twitter account, he's Twittering out, 'Darius' stack,' and it was a picture of me smiling and I'm all excited. Of course, then he had just Twittered, 'Darius' stack now.' [laughs] He had a great picture of me ... I looked so unhappy, and my stack had like four chips. I have never walked out of there winning. I think that him and his whole crew are cheating. [laughs]"

Well, Darius finally got his victory and walked out of there Thursday with a grin. Keeping his promise, Darius did indeed log onto his Twitter page and sent out his first tweet:

"Hey, it's Darius. This is my first official tweet - Just want everyone to know I DOMINATED Paisley's camp at poker tonight ... DOMINATED ..."

Darius will see if his winning streak continues tonight, as the tour stops in Columbus, Ga., then continues on to Nashville, Tenn. For a complete list of dates where the H2O Frozen Over tour will be click here.


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