It's time for a most beautiful celestial event, and to make it even more exciting, there's an app for that, too. The free Night Sky app will allow you to be a bit more interactive. It's a powerful stargazing guide that, in this particular moment, will help you with all the planets lighting up the sky.

According to the Star Walk website, get ready for the parade of planets if you will. How absolutely cool does that sound?

On January 21 and 22, six of our planets will line the sky, and you can simply look up just after sunset for the show to begin. Welcome Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

According to the Science Alert website, it's not uncommon for two or three planets to be on the same side of the Sun at the same time, but having several at the same time and getting to see most of them is pretty rare. That said, it will happen again next month, too, adding Mercury into the mix.

Now, while we'll easily see Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn with our naked eye, grab some high-powered binoculars to make sure you can see Neptune and Uranus.

Occasionally, the planets will be on the same side of the Sun as they move along their orbits, so we get to see them in the sky at the same time. This is what will grace the sky on the evenings of January 21 and February 28.

Again, just after sunset on Tuesday night, January 21 and 22, they'll start to appear with the best viewing time an hour after the sun has set.

Again, the free Sky Night app will allow you to find the planets easily because they won't all be lined up right next to each other.

Keep your fingers crossed for clear skies. Meanwhile, here's a video to get you prepped.

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