The choices we have when it comes to buying honey on grocery store shelves aren't as overwhelming as some products, but we still have them. There are generic, national, specialty, raw, and honey made from our local bees and flowers in our environment.

As a matter of fact, we have more than 300 types of honey in the United States alone according to the How Stuff Works website.

One of these types is a hallucinogenic honey.

It's called "Mad Honey," and it comes from the nectar of the native rhododendrons grown on steep cliffs in Nepal and in the mountains above the Black Sea in Turkey. According to the Salon website, these flowering rhododendron bushes contain a neurotoxin that causes hallucinations in small doses but is poisonous if you eat tons of it.

Bees must feast only on this nectar to produce mad honey, which is why it's so exclusive and dangerous for honey hunters to produce.

Ruhi Cenet via YouTube
Ruhi Cenet via YouTube

It's one of the most expensive types of honey in the world, produced on steep cliffs in Nepal and Turkey. While it's illegal in some countries, it's not illegal in America. It will cost you anywhere from $50 to $150 or more online or at specialty stores. However, it's unlikely to be among our myriad of everyday honey choices on supermarket shelves.

READ ON: Here's Why It's Time to Stock Up on Local Honey Right Now

According to How Stuff Works, mad honey has a reddish hue and a slightly bitter, even smokey flavor versus the super sweet taste we love about this natural sweetener from nature.

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