Florida Georgia Line’s Brian Kelley Says New Album Will Be Worth the Wait
Good news for fans of Florida Georgia Line: New music is coming ... and soon. Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard expect to release their next album -- their third full-length project -- in the summer of 2016.
The band’s last album, Anything Goes, hit the streets in October of 2014. That might seem like a quick turn-around between record releases, but Kelley says that there hasn’t been any rush -- and they’re still working.
“It’s still coming together. It’s a little over halfway done,” Kelley tells The Boot. “We’ve really taken our time with it, as much as it seems we haven’t. We’ve really gotten to live with these songs.”
There’s no word on the disc's first single yet, but Kelley says that he and Hubbard have been spending plenty of time in the studio, making sure the songs will be good enough for their fans.
“We’re really putting in the time, making sure our songs stand out, that they’re gonna cut through the radio, that they’re gonna really leave an effect, positively, on our fans," Kelley explains. "Whether that makes them want to work hard, call their dad to tell them they love them, kiss their wife or whatever it may be.”
Those positive messages are at the core of who Florida Georgia Line are, both musically and as people.
“We’re into that [positive] music. We always have been," Kelley says. "We promote positivity in our music -- good vibes.”
The duo has been working hard to be sure that their upcoming project is Florida Georgia Line’s best release yet.
“I think this album is going to be our deepest album," Kelley notes. "It’s gonna be our strongest, and we’re pushing ourselves on all levels: vocally, lyrically, melodically.
“I promise the fans, the wait is worth it,” he adds.
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