A new drama-filled reality series about Nashville is coming in 2018. People reports that the creator of Laguna Beach and The Hills is partnering with CMT for a new show titled Music City.

Music City will focus on the lives of musicians trying to "make it" in Nashville, and will cover the ups and downs that come with trying to break into the industry. Throughout the first season, which includes a total of eight episodes, audiences will see the young adults featured on the show try to find some sort of balance between their relationships and their careers ... and if it is anything like Laguna Beach or The Hills, the storylines will be full of drama.

“Music has always played a huge role in the storytelling process of my past series,” says Adam DiVello, the show's creator, “and with Music City, we’ll take that element to another level as we document the real-life struggles, heartaches and drama of those chasing their dreams of stardom.”

Readers can press play above to get a (brief) sneak peek at Music City. The show will air alongside Nashville when it returns next year, though an exact air time and premiere date have yet to be announced.

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