Josh Turner had some pretty special backup singers on a song from his recently-released album, "Punching Bag": his wife Jennifer and their three sons Hampton, Colby and baby Marion. The singer recruited the whole family to join him on "Find Me a Baby," a happy tune he penned with producer Frank Rogers.

"The kids did fine in the studio," Josh tells The Boot. "I was concerned about whether or not Marion would be able to do anything at that age ... he was born in December of 2010, and when we were in the studio it was really early after him being born. So we were just making him laugh, because we just wanted him to make any kind of good sound. We were fortunate to have Marion laughing and Colby singing in that between a baby and little boy phase. And Hampton and Jennifer sounded so much alike that we actually had to pan them to opposite sides to tell them apart -- it was just really eerie. They'll do that around home, they'll start singing a song at the same time in unison, and if you close your eyes you can't tell them apart. It's really weird!"

Josh cherished having the boys in the studio with him and being able to capture that moment in time forever on the CD. He notes that he's thankful to be able to keep his family close on the road as he travels. Jennifer sings and plays piano in the band with him each night, and the couple is able to balance their careers and family life beautifully at the moment, something the singer definitely doesn't take for granted.

"I didn't have any expectations of what my family life would end up being like," says Josh. "But I've been very blessed in my life to have a wife who loves me and supports me and is able to be in my band and travel with me. We're blessed to be at a level in my career where I can afford to take out a bus of my own and bring my whole family with me, so that's great, too. The boys are out with us all the time, and it's just great to be able to turn around onstage and see my wife back there behind me. We'll go back to our bus and have our three little dudes greet us at the bus door, so I can't complain."

Josh and his family band travel to New York City this week for an appearance on "Good Morning America" and then a show for fans Thursday at the Best Buy Theater. Keep track of his tour schedule here.

Watch Josh Turner's "Time Is Love" Video

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